Specialty Filters

Specialty Filters
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Specialty Filters

Optical Filter Shop is your source for high-quality optical filters. We have numerous types of specialty optical filters available, including:

45-Degree Filters

Our 45-degree optical filters combine light from multiple light-emitting diodes (LEDs) or lasers into a common light path, and they can separate white light or fluorescent emissions bands into discreet components. These filters are ideal for applications like micro-mirror illumination, digital projection, solid-state illumination and color separation in high-output lamps.

Anti-Reflection (AR) Window Filters

AR window filters offer high transmission with low reflectance, reducing glare and improving readability. They are typically used in optical devices, sealed sensors, photodetectors, avionics and industrial displays.

Biomedical Filters

Biomedical filters provide video-rate imaging on a small or large scale in narrow-band wavelengths, including:

  • Visible
  • Near-infrared (NIR)
  • Ultraviolet (UV)
  • Short-wave infrared (SWIR)

They are well-suited to a range of biomedical applications, such as tissue analysis, vascular imaging, wound evaluation and oncology research.

Lidar (Light Detection and Ranging) Filters

Our lidar filters allow you to isolate your lidar return signal with minimal background. These filters are found on lidar systems in satellites, surveying equipment, self-driving cars and smartphones. Common applications include:

  • Geology
  • Agriculture
  • Machine vision
  • Scientific instrumentation
  • Original equipment manufacturer (OEM) imaging and sensing

Linear Variable Filters

Our linear variable filters are pairs of long- and short-wave filters with a center wavelength that changes linearly along the length of the rectangular substrate. You can adjust the center wavelength by moving the filter’s position relative to the light source. They are available in visible-range, NIR and UV versions. Linear variable filters are often used for:

  • Fluorescence measurements
  • Biomedical instruments
  • Remote sensing
  • Order-sorting filters

Neutral Density Filters

Neutral density filters split an incoming light beam transmitted and reflected at a predefined ratio. They are often used to balance multiple inputs or enhance the signal level for detection. You can use them in light barriers, optical sensors, projection equipment and balance multi-wavelength devices.

Remote Sensing Filters

Remote sensing filters are typically used in spectral imaging applications to analyze natural and human-made features from satellites, aircraft and self-driving vehicles. They provide high transmission while blocking out-of-band signals at higher and lower wavelengths.

Ultraviolet-Infrared (UV-IR) Filters

UV-IR filters suppress ultraviolet and near-infrared radiation from high-intensity arc lamps in illumination display systems. They block UV light that can damage polymer optics, microdisplay panels and other optical components.

Shop Our Specialty Optical Filters Today

At Optical Filter Shop, we offer an extensive selection of specialty optical filters. Whether you need standard filter samples or a scalable OEM solution, we have the custom filter options you need for your application.

Search our specialty filter inventory to find quick-turn prototyping options. You can select your filter shape and size on-demand before placing your order online. If we have your filter in stock, we can often ship it within a day.

Our team can also accommodate numerous custom requests, from special coatings to specific bandwidths. Reach out to our sales team today if you’d like to place a custom or large-volume order.